An american guy met a swede and told him that his national animal is an eagle and it stands for liberty and freedom etc. Then he asked the swede what´s his nation animal is.
The swede replied that the moose/älg is the swedish national animal. What does the moose stands for, asked the american guy?
The moose stands for a lot of traffic accident´s said the swede.
In october we kill a lot of them and in the north of Sweden the peole take even holiday´s for killing them, but they normally do not work so much up there, because many of them are "sjukskrivna" during that period.("not working".)
Even our King like to kill the moose as well.
Then we eat the moose mostely on "E-4", wich is the main road of Sweden, for approx. 67.-, with "lingon" (red berries).
Very welcome to Sweden and take care on the roads!
Urban Lundberg